Gum Disease Therapy Woodbridge

Have you been diagnosed with periodontal gum disease? Have you noticed that you have blood in the sink when you brush your teeth or that you have a lot of white buildup on your teeth and near your gum line? It is possible that you may have periodontal disease — especially if it has been awhile since you have been to the dentist.

What Is Periodontal Disease?

Periodontal disease is a serious bacterial infection in your gums. While some people report having no symptoms at all, some of the more common symptoms you may have include:

  • Bleeding
  • Swollen gums
  • Loose teeth
  • Bad breath
  • Painful gums
  • Sensitivity
  • Recession

Periodontal disease is serious because it has been linked to numerous systemic conditions such as cardiovascular health, diabetes, respiratory infections, and even cancer. Putting off treatment could have serious consequences to your health including an increased risk for a heart attack.

Deep Cleanings | Scaling & Root Planing Treatments

At Woodstream Dental, we can recommend a treatment plan to eliminate your infection and heal your gums. Most periodontal treatment begins with a deep cleaning; root planing and scaling above and below the gum line. Our cleanings are gentle and thorough, so you do not have to worry about being in pain. We can anesthetize you for your treatment, if necessary, and if you have a severe dental phobia we offer conscious nitrous oxide sedation in our office.

Laser Assisted Periodontal Therapy Woodbridge

We are pleased to announce that we have added a leading edge diode laser system to our practice.We treat periodontal disease with gentle scaling and laser assisted therapy. The diode laser cuts and coagulates at the same time, facilitating immediate homeostasis, faster post-operative healing time and fewer post-operative complications, like infection.

Once you have a deep cleaning to eliminate the infection in your gums, we will put you on a catch-up care regimen to assist in healing. It may take several weeks to months to properly eliminate and heal your gums, depending on the severity of your infection.

After your gums are healed and healthy again, we will set up a regular cleaning schedule to keep you on track. Once you have periodontal disease, you are always more susceptible to a recurrence, so we will monitor you closely. We know that once you are healed, you will want to stay healthy.

Diligent Home Care Makes A Difference

Our Woodbridge dentist team will go over home care techniques to assist in healing and to help you avoid future infections. He may recommend products that can help you get better faster. He will go over all of the details of your treatment after your initial evaluation.

Schedule A Periodontal Evaluation!

If you suspect you have gum disease, contact Woodstream Dental to schedule a full periodontal evaluation. Our helpful and compassionate dental team will support you in restoring your dental health and improving the comfort of your teeth and gums.